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Here are some links I thought were worth sharing this week:


Kill the Open Internet, and Wave Goodbye to Consumer Choice

The net neutrality debate can seem complicated. But at its heart, the issue rests on two simple realities: First, for more than a decade, the status quo in the US has been an open internet that supports thriving innovation among websites, apps, and new digital services. Second, innovators and consumers are dependent on a few large broadband providers that serve as gatekeepers to the internet.



Adobe is finally killing Flash. Finally.

"Adobe is planning to end-of-life Flash. Specifically, we will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats."



'Anonymous' browsing data can be easily exposed, researchers reveal

A journalist and a data scientist secured data from three million users easily by creating a fake marketing company, and were able to de-anonymise many users.



Photos: Life inside of China’s massive and remote bitcoin mines

Taking advantage of the cheap and plentiful hydroelectric power that an army of computers require, bitcoin mining is spreading in remote parts of China’s Sichuan province. In dark and isolated warehouses, bitcoin mining machines hum along solving equations to produce the highly valued cryptocurrency.
