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Here are some links I thought were worth sharing this week:


The Designer’s Guide to AI — a $70 Billion industry by 2020

"Design will be less about delivering on a user’s request, and more about responding to the needs they haven’t expressed yet."



Fueling a flight to quality

Interesting starting point to delve into the issues around "fake news" and the approaches required to improve the quality of the media we consume.



Why You Really Need to Stop Using Public Wi-Fi

"The more you take your chances with a free network connection, the greater the likelihood that you will suffer some type of security breach. There is a saying in the cybersecurity industry that there are three types of people in the world: those who have been hacked, those who will be hacked, and those who are being hacked right now and just don’t know it yet."




Google's Coolest Tech Is Getting Harder and Harder to See

There was a big emphasis at the Google I/O developer conference last week on AI (Artificial Intelligence). While they did speak about related products like Lense and Assistant much of it is difficult to sell to the public. People understand gadgets.



Apple CEO Tim Cook test-drove a device that tracks his blood sugar, hinting at Apple's interest in the space

"Tim Cook has been spotted at the Apple campus test-driving a device that tracks blood sugar, which was connected to his Apple Watch."


Apple Monitoring Blood Glucose

Jean-Louis Gassées post digs into the various things that have seen said about Apple developing a blood glucode monitor and the reasons why it is important.

“… in the last 35 years, global diabetes among men has more than doubled — from 4.3% in 1980 to 9% in 2014 — after adjusting for the effect of aging. Meanwhile diabetes among women has risen from 5% in 1980 to 7.9% in 2014. This rise translates as 422 million adults in the world with diabetes in 2014 — which has nearly quadrupled since 1980 (108 million).”


Apple and Nokia bury patent hatchet

This week Apple and Nokia settle all litigation pertaining to the dispute, inking a multi-year patent license. Apple will also resume carrying Nokia’s digital health products (formerly under the Withings brand) in its retail and online stores. Also again relating to health their agreement allows for “future collaboration in digital health initiatives”.
