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Here are some links I thought were worth sharing this week:


The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data

Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft—look unstoppable. They are the five most valuable listed firms in the world. Their profits are surging: they collectively racked up over $25bn in net profit in the first quarter of 2017. Amazon captures half of all dollars spent online in America. Google and Facebook accounted for almost all the revenue growth in digital advertising in America last year.



How the New York Times saved itself

Twenty years ago, advertising revenue made up 63 percent of the paper’s revenues, while subscription revenue accounted for 27 percent. As of Q1, those numbers are nearly inverted: Subscriptions account for 61 percent and advertising represents 33 percent of the top line.



Snap Inc.

Why Snap lost more than $2 billion in three months

My first reaction was WHAT! how do you lose $2.2 billion in 3 months? the answer is that it relates to the recent IPO and $2 billion in stock to employees. So Snap Inc. only lost $188 million in 3 months!!!!!!!


Snapchat hits a disappointing 166M daily users, growing only slightly faster

While losing $188 million in 3 months is not a problem, Snap's share price plunged based on a drop in growth. Snap hit 166 million daily active users at a growth rate of 5 percent, compared to the 158 million DAUs it had in Q4 when it hit a 3.2 percent growth rate. Snap’s year-over-year growth rate continued to slip, falling to 36 percent year-over-year from 48 percent in Q4.



Covalent 1.0.0 beta.1 released

Covalent from Teradata was released in January, well worth checking out if you are using AngularJS and Material Design.


Design Better Data Tables

This article presents a list of design structures, interaction patterns, and techniques to help you design better data tables.
