252 words

Moved this much neglected blog from wordpress.com to GitHub Pages. This is an overview of the steps used to migrate the blog.

Step 1: Install Jekyll

$ gem install jekyll

then get your development system up and running:

$ jekyll new jonathanoneill.github.io

$ cd jonathanoneill.github.io

this creates the file structure:


start server:

$ jekyll serve —watch

your default web server is now running at

Step 2: Import content from wordpress.com

There are a number of importers to allow you to import your existing blog for use with Jekyll. In this case my existing blog was on wordpress.com so I used its importer.

Export blog content from wordpress.com:

  • http://jonathanoneill.wordpress.com/wp-admin/export.php?type=export
  • Select “All content”
  • Click “Download Export File”, this downloads to an xml file e.g. wordpress.xml

$ gem install jekyll-import

$ ruby -rubygems -e 'require "jekyll-import"; JekyllImport::Importers::WordpressDotCom.run({ "source" => "wordpress.xml" })

this command will import your wordpress posts into the _posts directory.

Step 3: Format Pages

A few further things are required:

  • Customize the css and page templates
  • Move images from wordpress.com to the assets/blog directory and update any links in the posts

Step 4: Push to GitHub

Create a public repository called:


commit and push Jekyll files to the repository. The site will then be automaticaly available at http://jonathanoneill.github.io (it may take a few minutes).

Step 5: Update DNS

Update your domains DNS and add a CNAME record:

www.jonathanoneill.net CNAME jonathanoneill.github.io

Add a file called “CNAME” to the root of your repository containing the follwing:

