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A few short notes on some of the talks at Business Camp Dublin held at Trinity College on December 5th.  Some of these presentations are available to download here.

  • Patents and Trademarks (Marie Walsh) - Overview of what you should know about patents, trademarks an ownership of Intellectual Property (IP).


  • Raising Funds from Angel Investors (Liz Fleming) - The Halo Business Angel Network is a joint initiative between Intertrade Ireland and Enterprise Ireland. It is a business angels network targeted at investors looking to meet and invest in high potential, early stage enterprises.
  • 5 Things Any Startup Should Know (Sabrina Dent) - In short: 1) If you build it, they won't come 2) Looks count 3) Beware of over capitalisation 4) talk is cheap 5) Don't forget the customers, stupid
  • Getting Stuff out of Universities (John Whelan) - What a University Technology Transfer Office (TTO)  does and how university research can be accessed by outside companies.
  • Starting a Business in a Crisis (Mark Little) -  RTE’s Prime Time presenter who recently announced that he will be leaving RTE to start a new business in 2010 combining digital media and global journalism.
