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Barcamp was at the Cork International Airport Hotel on Saturday. It was a great event with lots of interesting talks and informal discussion. Congratulations on the organisation to Ciara Feely, Gordon Murray and Ciara Crossan and all those who gave talks on the day. Here are a few  short notes on the talks I attended.

  • Erlang for Five Nines (Tamas Nagy) - Erlang is a general-purpose concurrent programming language and runtime originally designed by Ericsson to support distributed, fault-tolerant applications. It was released as open source in 1998 but is getting more mainstream attention as CouchDB and Amazon SimpleDB are written with it.

  • Marketing Strategies for Start-ups and Entrepreneurs (Una Coleman) - Social media tools i.e. Blog, Twitter, Linkedin etc.

  • Open Street Map (Conor O’Neill) - OpenStreeyMap is Wikipedia for maps. Conor demonstrated how data can be gathered with a GPS enabled phone and uploaded to the OpenStreetMap.

  • How (and why) KildareStreet is porting a million-row-DB app to Django without changing the existing DB at all (John Handelaar) - KildareStreet.com aims to make it easy for people to keep tabs on their elected representatives in the Houses of the Oireachtas. It is based on the code for TheyWorkForYou.com which keeps track of the UK’s parliaments and assemblies and has been modified to handle Irish data.

  • Seeing an iPhone application idea through to the Apple app store (Mike Butler) - Apps.ie is a site to showcase iPhone and mobile apps developed in Ireland or with an Irish context. Xcake is the Irish and Northern Irish mobile developers group.

  • The Creation, Protection and Exploitation of Software - A Practical Approach (David Reilly) - Consider IP ownership including brand names up front rather than having problems later.

  • Multi Touch User Interfaces (Martha Rotter)  - Multi Touch allows applications to have some great interactive features but the hardware will need to get more widely available, see the Slides from the presentation.
